Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Manchild Is On His Way

Kiwi S. Kalloo
Establishing people in the Heart of God in Kingdom Worship and Present Truth.

     The church is in a mess and it was foretold in Jeremiah that the preachers will stand up and prophesy peace when there is no peace, it is indeed a time of war but only few there be that is putting on the whole armor of God, hence there is so many of us not being able to stand, you see, the scripture says that saviors shall come out of Mount Zion the church, those saviors are you and me and every over comer, the man-child that is being born out of the woman that is in childbirth, the body, the head, the hands, is all out and now the last part of the body is coming out of the womb of the woman, the foot company, the feet is being born. you see, we are the last church age, the woman that is giving birth is the church and the child is that child who was fathered by the Holy Ghost, not all that says lord shall enter in.

     The Holy Spirit overshadowed the woman, the church and she became pregnant with Jesus, the man-child which shall be the saviors of the world. God made provisions for us at every level of our humanity.

     God is now calling out a nation from a nation, a people from a people, there is a stirring in the spirit and God is still speaking but not everyone is hearing because he said that my people have developed itching ears and they want to hear what they want to hear, as long as it does not contradict their religious practices, but in Jeremiah God said woe be unto those that would cause my people to err, truth still exist, holiness still exist, we are at a point where it seems like its all lost but God is building his church and a trumpet is being blown but there are other sounds that is coming forth at the same time, a spirit of confusion has swept through the church and there is a trumpet that is sending out an uncertain sound, the time for people to war is the time that they are at ease in Zion, when the trumpet of jubilee sounds, no one wants to set free those that are bound, no one wants to get free. When the trumpet sounds to gather ourselves, we are at war with each other. A man-child is being born who will stand tall and speak God's heart and redeem his people, let therefore faith arise in us and cause us to press on so that we can attain the mark of the prize of the high calling to be like Jesus.

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